Project Children’s Aviation Circle
3D printer
In april 2023 we've supported Project Children’s Aviation Circle in Zarasai, Lithuania with a 3D printer.
Children’s Aviation Circle is a place for children and youngsters to meet several times a week to share their interest in flying and building model aircrafts. They have an instructor who guide them and help when needed. The group of children is approx. 40 children and meet indoor for the winter in two room smaller rooms. The space is limited but the enthusiasm high. The atmosphere is great, and they help each other when needed.
They learn about flying in general and build small model aircraft. They also use animation programs to learn about flying. They participate in different competitions. In the summertime the children train to fly in small airborne aircraft lifting them from ground for few minutes up to 5-10 meters.
The children come from different families including socially disadvantaged families.
The donation is made with the support from Zarasai Rotary Club.