Bahamas Disaster Support

Last year Hurricane Dorian devastated The Bahamas. Our club supported Angel Flight during their relief efforts

Little know fact of the recent Bahamas disaster relief, was that, not only the government support, the areas received. But the extraordinary relief give by volunteer private pilots and their aircraft from mainland USA.

Six volunteer organisations mobilised the general aviation community into fast action.

The relief was managed and co ordinated by Angel flight Southeast. but supported through Air Charity Network members as needed.

The six member organizations of Air Charity Network,, formerly Angel Flight America provide more than 22,000 free trips annually flown by more than 7,000 volunteer pilots.

How did this awesome idea start ?

The origin of public benefit flying began in 1972 in Washington, DC when four businessmen, all private pilots, borrowed a Beechcraft Bonanza.

They began flying people in need from rural areas to major metropolitan areas for medical care.

That year they provided six charitable trips.

That organization, Mercy Medical Airlift now Mercy Medical Angels, provided 17,185 free trips to medical care and disaster relief for Cancer Patients, Veterans and Children last year.

Transportation was provided on the ground with gas cards, bus and train tickets and

in the air with trips flown by volunteer pilots and the Commercial airlines. Mercy Medical Airlift is a 501(c)(3) charity and operates additional programs;

Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, www.angelflightmidatlantic, and Angel Wings for Veterans,